Autumn is a 500 hour certified yoga teacher, currently completing the last bit of her training to become an accredited Yoga Therapist! She is passionate about the work she does because it has changed her life for the better in the BIGGEST ways. To be able to share the healing and bliss with others is her dream come true!!

There are so many beautiful things about yoga and yoga therapy that get overlooked or are just unknown in general. One of Autumn’s favorite things about yoga therapy is the ability to live yoga on and off of the mat. To embody the oneness. Oneness of self, with universal soul, oneness with all beings everywhere. To live in a state of awareness. Being the observer of your thoughts, the way you communicate with self and with others, the way you react, and the way you are showing up in life.

Autumn offers elemental healing support by helping others to understand the relationship of our inner and outer nature. Tap into the energy of changing seasons and even the smaller shifts such as time of day moving into night & how it affects our moods, digestion, & many more variables! Allow your senses to open up and be soothed by simply becoming aware of the connectivity of it all. Yoga Therapy works from the inside out, getting to the roots that prevent symptoms rather than just treating the symptoms themselves. It encompasses all the realms of health creating an optimal way of living.

A little bit more..