
Welcome to a new opportunity to step into your most authentic life.

Yoga || Union

Union of mind, body, soul,

& Universal soul.

We have come to honor & serve with a passion to interweave the magnificent frequency of nature & that of our own human nature and all life everywhere. Bringing an awareness of our togetherness as one, with the understanding of the universal life force, the power within the breath. Our mission is to share the magic that comes with conscious breathing. Creating the ability to regulate your nervous system and bring ease and flow to the tension in your life, physically and beyond. By connecting with the breath, we find the bridge between the mind and the body. Allowing us to tap into the inner awareness that dwells deep within us to create clarity & honor our deepest truths & desires. We bring those desires from the non-physical into the physical with intentional body and energy movement linked with the breath. Consistently utilizing these tools will encourage the depleting of old, outdated, toxic habits and replacing them with new conscious, healthy habits. Creating a more harmonious & authentic way of being physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually.

One breath at a time.


Soften like water, like air. Let life flow through you, in all the spaces you create. Be the vessel for your own co-creation.

Liberate yourself.